Sunday, 21 April 2013


It's very rare that me and Allsy have a day trip out but on Saturday we did just that. 

We went to Asbourne in Derbyshire, a lovely little town and definitely worth a visit if you like antiques (which indeed I do!) It is a tad twee and middle class but it is very pretty don't you think...

The church is a bit spooky though. 

And that hotel sign's a bit odd.

We were very good and only bought Bootsy Cat a new little wicker carrier to sleep in. Which if you saw the beautiful things for sale you'd have been proud at that level of restraint. 

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, whether you ventured out or were a hermit like I usually am.

afternibbin. x


  1. Replies
    1. It looks good enough to eat doesn't it, like big tufts of pink candyfloss :)

  2. so lovely! I wish I could visit! xo
