Sunday, 14 April 2013

happy weekend

This weekend has been such a lovely happy affair. Here's some of the things that have made me super happy this weekend...

...the sun has been shining and the sky has been a beautiful vibrant blue (for at least part of it anyway) are beginning to emerge all over the garden

...I did some gardening (in the rain but we'll forget about that part) and now the weather's a bit warmer I got to plant out some herbs sweetpea seeds are germinating

...I treated myself to some daffodils, gypsophilia and an indoor rose which are brightening up the house greatly

...I did some painting for the first time since I was a little 'un, I need to practice lots more but I really enjoyed it mum, dad and sister were back off their holiday so I got to see them, yay! They bought me the cutest, little cat brooch, I love him and Allsy have also watched obscene amounts of Breaking Bad whilst swaddled in about six blankets, we've eaten a tad too much fudge chocolate and cereal (well, three bowls in the last 15 hours, is that too much?!), we've drank copious amounts of tea and coffee and lit tons of candles too so all in all it has been a lovely happy weekend, I just wish it wasn't almost over.

Anyhoo how has your weekend been? I hope you've all had a nice happy one too...


  1. Love your herbs planted in the wicker basket - and your painting of the mustard pot :)

    1. Thanks, I need loads more practice with my painting but you have to start somewhere don't you :)

  2. It has been a most wonderful weekend - weather wise. I love your doodling!

    Nina x

    1. It has indeed, am so thankful for the sunshine, it's lovely to be able to get back in the garden after this ridiculously long winter isn't it?! Oh and thank you by the way, that has made my day :)
