The weather has been very strange, turning from beautiful sunshine, to dark clouds and rain in an instant.
I battled through it though, with the aid of a knitted cardigan, a hand-me-down pac-a-mac and copious cups of hot ribena I managed to stop out in the garden all day Saturday and Sunday, living the dream.
There has been lots of changes in the garden of which makes me a very happy lady indeed.
We got a table and two chairs for the front which we braved the cold wind and sat out on like we were on our jollies or something.
I planted up a little alpine pot with sedum and saxifrage.
I re-did the edges of the lawn and re-shaped it ever so slightly, I started getting a bit carried away and more and more of the lawn started to disappear, luckily I left some. My grandad also very kindly came and cut my lawn and trimmed my hedges, it's amazing how much better the garden looks after a trim.
I made a new little path which for some reason has made me ridiculously happy, I've been running up and down it like a mad man.
I did a lot, and I mean a lot of weeding and I re-did the borders next to the hedge.
There's still a lot to do to the border next to the hedge but it feels good to have made a start. The border gets no sunshine at all, not only is there that blooming great hedge there but directly behind the hedge is a wood which probably doesn't help matters so I've picked plants which hopefully will flourish in the shade. I've gone for an array of ferns, bleeding heart, foxgloves, centaurea montana, geraniums, forget-me-nots and honeysuckle. Fingers crossed that they'll all enjoy their new home.

The garden is really starting to pick up too. I can't believe how much it changes daily, it looks positively spring like.
A sign of good things to come, me hopes.
I've got a few photos to share of the front borders too but didn't want to bombard you all with a ridiculous amount of photos of plants so will share them with you sometime this week.
Until then, so long folks.
afternibbin. x